Sunday, January 4, 2009


I looked out the kitchen window last night around 8:00 and saw flames coming from our big old barn up by the gate. After the initial panic and running around like fools, I called 911 while Mike rushed up there to turn out the calves that were shut up in the lot by the barn. Fortunately he got there in time to save the calves, but we weren't able to save the barn. The Edna and Bartlett fire departments both responded and were there really quickly, but it was burning too fast. Our baler, two feed grinder/mixers, about 30 big round bales of good hay, our generator, and a few other small items were inside, but it could have been much worse. No one was hurt, and everything we lost can be replaced. And Mike stayed out of the way and didn't get burned this time. We just have a really big mess to clean up. This was our second barn fire in two years. Maybe we need to start putting smoke alarms in our barns!


  1. Wow glad to hear no one was hurt and the calves were saved, sorry about the other stuff.

    What would cause a fire twice. I agree smoke alarms are needed.

  2. Oh no! That's awful! Thank god no one was hurt and you got your calves out.

  3. Oh my, that is really burnt. I'm sure happy that the calves were safed!!

  4. I am so sorry Lou! That is awesome. I am relieved that no animals or people got hurt though, and that things will be able to be replaced. My heart goes out to you.

  5. I am so sorry about the fire burning your barn and your farm equipment but SO glad no one was harmed and the calves were saved.

  6. So sorry about your fire. Glad nobody got hurt!

  7. So sorry you had a fire. I am so glad for you that you got the calves out in time.

  8. Oh no that is so sad. I am glad no one was hurt. I have to say that first picture is really kind of neat with the smoke coming off it.. But still so sad.

  9. Oh man! Two fires in two years?? One is bad enough! I am so glad that none of the animals were hurt. Will you have enough feed for them now over the winter?

  10. so sorry for your loss of the barn. definately smoke alarms needed ! how scarY!

  11. So sorry for the loss of your barn. I'm glad no one was hurt, though.

  12. Boy! Some people have all the luck! NOT!

    What a big bummer. I'm so glad that you were all safe. I hope that your luck gets better in 2009!

  13. Oh no, I'm so sorry. Glad no one was hurt though.

  14. Oh wow that is terrible, I'm sorry but so glad nobody was hurt.


Go know you want to.