Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Street Musicians

This is what I love about Eureka Springs. It's such a bohemian kind of place. On any given day you might find musicians, artists, or who knows what else, doing their thing in the park, or on the street. These guys were just sitting on a bench on the sidewalk, playing some great bluesy music.


  1. Love the fact that you did these in b&w! Looks like a fun band!

  2. LOVE these! They are SO cool:) You did an awesome job capturing the emotion.

  3. Love the processing on these! Great captures. What a fun thing to photograph!

  4. I love the mix of footwear---if you saw the faces, you would never expect the sneakers... Cool processing on these, Lou!! Looks like a fun town!

  5. How nice to stumble upon, AND NOTICE, such a great shot! I like your processing and the way you cropped these.

  6. Great shots, I love the pieces that make a whole! :)


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